I've known Travis Krause for about five years. He is a senior student at our martial arts school, and quite an adept one of that; indeed, he's a real inspiration.
He's been a high school art teacher for many years, having won awards along the way, and is now a teacher of teachers. In my experience, whenever I've had to teach, it forces me to learn the subject that much better. Travis' skill as an teacher is self-evident, and his skills as an artist is reflected in his amazing works.
Most recently, I had the pleasure of buying "Glass Brown Trout" as a gift for my brother-in-law, a DC lawyer who loves to fly fish, but rarely gets the chance. He is also a generous individual, supporting some of his younger brothers and sisters, and gives much to charity, and indeed he helped me out of a bind. This painting on glass was my way of saying thanks, and it lit up his eyes like nothing I've seen before.
Travis' glass paintings are a wonder. From afar, they come to life, giving a sense of the trout, and its life in the rivers of the West. I have also given as gifts two vases, painted in a method I don't understand: they shimmer with different colors depending on the angle and the light. For myself, I have only a coffee cup. Yet, Travis' love for art is reflected even in this modest piece.
Friends and I have come to ask each other, upon viewing his artwork, "Is it a Krause?" High praise indeed.
Judson K. Main